Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Rift

Phoenix Rising

Corel Painter has the most amazing tools for creating fire and glow.


Ring of Fire



In the Beginning...

Went to a wonderful meeting last night. I had been trying to get to a meeting of the Austin Film Meet for sometime. Ok, I've been on their mailing list for at least two years and between life and just plain old exhaustion and forgetting I was never able to make a meeting. I went last night. The topic of conversation was marketing yourself and getting your name/product out into the ether. So that's what I'm doing. Met several people who might be prospective jobs, which surprised me. Nice meeting you Chris and Tony! H. Cherdon, who is the organizer and an all around nice person was a wealth of information. And overall the people I met were really nice, that would be Mindy, Tony, Scott and Matt. There were a large number of new people at the meeting so it felt really great. I look forward to the next meeting! Will work on posting more art /video peices online.